My book order arrived last week, and today, the
Art Institute of Chicago shared a post on
The Sixty-Eight Rooms by Marianne Malone. It is a fantasy-tale that takes place in and around the
Thorne Rooms at the AIC. It will be a focus for my 5th graders in the spring, and I can't wait! If you are looking for an adventure tale to share with your 2nd-6th grade-level readers, this is a great choice. We'll be doing a read-aloud to introduce students to the book, while also connecting to some great American art. We will then launch into projects related to the Japanese Traditional Interior, that while not a part of Jack and Ruthie's adventures, still leads to a fascinating cultural exploration! We will create Bento Boxes, inspired by my colleague, Nancy Walkup's
lessons, and write and illustrate
Haikus as well.